Choose From 25 Varieties of Cold Hardy Crape Myrtles! All of Varieties are Indian Named Introductions from the US National Arboretum. Plant them early in Spring & Summer for well established roots that will survive winters through Zone 6. See Our Growing, Pruning and Fertilizing Pages for more Winter Advice.
Buy 1-2 Plants for $47.94 Each
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Enter Coupon Code GREATDEAL at checkout and the price drops to $33.56 Each
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Enter Coupon Code BESTDEAL at checkout and the price drops to $26.37 each.
Shipping is $24.95 for 1-30 Plants, it's NOT per plant. See our Shipping Page for details.
Buy 3-11 Plants and Save 30%!
Enter Coupon Code GREATDEAL at checkout and the price drops to $33.56 Each
Buy 12+ Plants and Save 45%!
Enter Coupon Code BESTDEAL at checkout and the price drops to $26.37 each.
Shipping is $24.95 for 1-30 Plants, it's NOT per plant. See our Shipping Page for details.
Cold Hardy Crape Myrtles

POCOMOKE (2' Rose Pink From National Arboretum, NEW!)

CHICKASAW (2' Pink, from National Arboretum, NEW!)

CADDO (6'-7' Bright Pink, Bushy and Weeping)

TONTO (8'-10' Watermelon Red Small Tree)

KIOWA (6'-8' Dense Shrub or Small Pure White Tree, NEW!)

CHEROKEE (8' Dense, Deep Wine Red)

HOPI (8' Small Tree with Delicate Pink Flowers)

OKMULGEE (8' Deep Bright Watermelon Red)

ACOMA (7'-10' Pure White Small Tree)

ZUNI (8'-10' Lavender Small Tree or Shrub)

PECOS (10' Clear Pink, Outstanding Winter Bark)

SEMINOLE (15' Dark Coral Pink)

POTOMAC (15' Clear Light Pink NEW!)

YUMA (16' Blue Lavender)

OSAGE (16' Peach-Watermelon Pink)

SIOUX (16' Bright Pink)

COMANCHE (16' Deep Coral Red)

CATAWBA (18ft Darkest Violet-Purple)

NATCHEZ (18' Pure White, Everyone's Favorite!)

APALACHEE (20' Delicate Light Lavender, NEW!)

ARAPAHOE (20' Wine Red, NEW!)

CHOCTAW (20' Reddish-Pink, Mottled Gray Cinnamon Bark)

POWHATAN (20' Purple-Violet, NEW!)

MUSKOGEE (22' Lavender-Blue, Great Shade Tree)

MIAMI (25' Peach-Pink, Great Shade Tree, NEW!)

BILOXI (25' Delicate Pink Excellent Shade Tree)

TUSCARORA (25' Watermelon Red, Most Popular Tree)

TUSKEGEE (25' Watermelon Red)

TWILIGHT (22', Rich Sunset Purplish-Pink)

BASHAM'S PARTY PINK (30' Fastest Growing Pink Tree)