How to Grow the Perfect Crape Myrtle
By following a few simple steps you will be able to grow beautiful Crape Myrtles and enjoy amazing blooms all summer long.
A copy of our growing instructions is included with each order. We have designed special growing instructions for Winter and Fall Planting.
Check out our Pruning page for inspiration and advice on how to prune your Crape Myrtle.
1. Select the site where you wish to plant your new Crape Myrtle
Crape Myrtles can be grown all over the USA, in any soil type. The site should be in the bright, hot sun: full or partial sun (6hrs min). No heavy shade for Crape Myrtles. If the site gets sun for part of the day then it's fine. But they do best in Full, Hot Sun. Remember: the more sun, the more blooms!
2. Dig a Hole the size of a 2 GALLON MILK JUG (about 12inx12inx12in) (1 gallon for miniatures) and Replace the Soil.
Discard that soil and replace it with Miracle Grow Potting Soil. Any peat-based mix will work if it contains Peat Moss, Perlite, Vermiculite and finely ground pine bark. Do NOT use garden soil as it's simply too thick and the plants won't drain properly. Heavy sand based mixes, like Black Cow, are not recommend as they hold too much moisture. As the plant becomes established, it's root will spread into your native soil and grow just fine.
3. Plant Your New Crape Myrtle
Make a hole in the center of the potting soil mix with your fist, pushing down about 10" into the soil. It’s OK if you place the plant you received from us "deep." Sometimes, especially with the Tree Crapes, you have to plant them deep so they will stand up straight. Firmly pack soil around the stem. Water the plant thoroughly after planting. After watering you may have to add a little more potting soil around the plant and tap soil down with your foot. If you choose, stake the trees with a stick so they will stand straight up. Leave the stakes up for 6 months. Staking your new plants is not necessary.
4. Add Mulch
Put a good bit of mulch around the plant. It's fine if it touches the stem of the plant. This will help retain moisture and heat during the coldest winter months. Pine Bark or Cypress mulch is best. This is especially recommended for Customers in zone 5 and 6. Put mulch on 3” or even 6” inches thick.
*Note*-If you plant your Crapes in Fall or Winter, when the leaves are falling or are already dormant, only water 2 or 3 times until spring. Don’t over water! Over watering in the Fall and Winter makes the plants more susceptible to winter damage. In Spring and Summer water 2-3 times a week especially if the weather is dry. Don’t begin fertilizing until Spring. See our Fertilizing Page for more information.